My Data Page

Here is some of the data that supports my Data Story.

This first image from google trends show how much the search interest increased once Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court. Likewise, search interest for Kavanaugh gets to its highest point when various allegations were made against him.  

This graph compares how often people are searching for Democrats, Republicans, and Kavanaugh. As you can tell from the graph, Maine is vastly Republican, but they also have a increased interest in Kavanaugh because one of their senators will potentially vote against Kavanaugh's nomination.  

This shows the relative ammount of searches for Dr. Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, and lawyer Michael Avenatti. The recent spike in searches for Avenatti may be because of the attack on Avenatti by prominent Republicans in recent days. This graph compares the relative importance of accusers accusations against Judge Kavanaugh.   

My Overview Page.